Sunday 27 November 2011

What other benefits does a VPN provide ?

When you connect through a secure VPN, your IP address becomes the one of the trusted server you are connected to. Therefore, as you surf the internet, the owners of the websites you visit do not know who you are and cannot collect information on you based on your IP address. Web sites can no longer use your surfing habits to create targeted marketing databases, containing your information, and sell them to anyone willing to pay. In addition, many places restrict access to where you can surf. When you connect through a My Secure Network VPN, you are able to unblock sites because all the requests are made from the remote server, outside the control of the local network owner. Many people living in foreign countries where their internet is limited use a personal VPN to unblock IP phone services and web sites -- thereby getting around those limitations.

NOTE!--Beware of vendors selling 'Personal VPN' services that use the PPTP protocol included with most operating systems. This protocol is flawed and is the cheap and easy way to do a VPN. If they are not using SSL encryption, like banks and credit card companies do, along with well known and tested software such as OpenVPN, steer clear! You can usually identify PPTP vendors by the advertising claim of 'no software required'.

Is all of this security really necessary ?

A lot of people think that they are not doing anything on their computer that requires this level of security. Many think 'what are the odds anyone will be watching me?' or 'I have nothing to hide'. The fact is, if you send email or use instant messaging, people can read every word you write. If you knew someone was listening to your phone conversations, would you mind? If so, what makes your email and instant messaging, or social web site posts any different? As reported in many newspaper and magazine articles, including the Wall Street Journal, the threat of people hijacking your data is very real -- and growing. My Secure Network VPN is about protecting yourself from those who think nothing of doing you great harm.

Why do I need My Secure Network VPN ?

With the exponential growth of wireless hotspots and other forms of public internet access, the risk of hackers grabbing your data has become a major problem, driven by the sheer number of people out there using wireless hotspots, coupled with the ease of stealing your information. Software is easily obtained from various hacker web sites that allow even unskilled people to scan all the data across a network. When hacking was difficult and required great skill, you were pretty safe sitting at the local coffee shop, fast food restaurant or hotel and using the open wireless. The odds were with you because there were not many people out there with these skills. Now, anyone who wants it can download a wireless hacking kit. Anyone in the room could be scanning everyone's data. My Secure Network VPN solves this and other security issues -- once and for all.

What is My Secure Network VPN ?

In order to protect privacy and safeguard data, large corporations insist their employees use company-backed VPNs. A VPN (Virtual Private Network) creates a secure tunnel between you and a safe server that encrypts and protects you and your information. Everyone needs this type of protection for using wireless hotspots, shared networks or any other internet access that is not completely controlled by the user. While large companies with paid IT staffing can easily create these services for their employees, My Secure Network VPN service is now available for the average person.